What the seasons represent symbolically
Winter: dying, in preparation for new growth, sleeping and resting to allow for the growing energy to build up, time for thought
Spring: new life, bursting to tell the news of what has gone on in the winter and how successful the ministrations of interested parties has been
Summer: abundance, laziness, busy-ness, clear thought, freedom, exploration, discovery
Autumn: changing energy, harvesting what you have previously sown, preparing for survival, nervousness that you may have not done enough, and slowing down in preparation for the dark. The symbolism of weather phenomena is aligned with the four elements of water, air, fire, and earth, and their symbolism. Water is a nourisher and a cleanser and represents movement. Air is a life-giver and a clearer and represents freedom. Fire is a cleanser and a healer and represents work. Earth is an anchor and a rejuvenator and represents survival. Weather Correspondance
Thunderstorms- Building strength, cleansing, grounding, healing violently, cursing, manifestation Rainbow- Good fortune, connection, positivity, happiness
Fog- Protection, invisibility, warding, stasis
Sun- Confidence, energy, passion, cleansing, strength
Snow- Tranquility, peace, healing, cleansing, purification, high energy, transformation, balance Windy- travel, study, intellect, breaking bad habits Rain- purification, compassion, release, purification, cleansing