A quite common divination practice. Is a form of divination, carried out using coffee grounds, or tea leaves, a teacup and saucer. Focusing our energy into the tea/grounds during the process can reveal many messages to us. From advice, to blockages, Tasseography can give you just as much information as cartomancy or any other form of divination. Tasseography readings show us messages by shapes, density, placement, and colors.
To Start
Firstly, Warm some water for your tea. It is best to use a light colored cup, where you will be able to see the spaces in between the leaves. Using loose black tea leaves is best for tea reading, tea from a teabag does not work as well, since they are very too fine to create the best shapes. However, you can still use any tea, but loose leaf is the best. Place your tea into the cup, and add your water. The tea will be placed loosely into the water, no bags or diffusers used. As the water cools, you can use this time to focus your energy into your cup, taking a minute to breathe and meditate on your intentions.
You may ask a specific question, or for a general reading, perhaps on what lies in your future. With tasseography, the person seeking answers is known as the “Querent”.
When doing tea leaf readings, they can be performed by oneself, however, with coffee ground readings, the Querent must have another person perform the ritual for them. One cannot read their own coffee ground reading.
Once the tea has reached a good temperature, the querent shall begin drinking the tea, while focusing their energy on their question. Stop drinking when a tablespoon of liquid remains. At this time, begin the swirling and turning ritual.
You swirl the cup three times from left to right, holding the cup in your left hand. Then, while still using only the left hand, place the cup flipped over the saucer. Leave the cup there for a minute, then rotate it three times. Then flip the cup back upright, making the handle face south. Then begin reading the leaves, following their shapes, and positions in the saucer.