Coffee- removes energy blockages, boosts spell power, chakra booster, energy booster grounding, happiness, luck, romance and lust.
Black tea- banishes extra Yin energy (feeling of dampness or heavy feeling), courage, excitement, prosperity, a lesser energy boost than coffee
Green tea- health, longetivity, love and passion, cleansing, prosperity
White tea- cleansing, clarity, aura healing, fertility, protection, psychic ability, renewal, beauty Oolong tea- love, calm, focus, emotional balanace, psychic ability
Honey- Fertility, prosperity, binding, used in offerings to deities or the fae
Brown sugar- This is sugar with added molasses and there is dark brown sugar with a lot of molasses and light brown sugar with less molasses. This is a great baking sugar and good for spells. Brown Sugar can overcome enemies and make them your friend, sugar overall attracts things, confectioner's sugar bosom powder can be blown over yourself, tools, amulents, and crystals. Can also be used on spirits.
Sugar Cane Properties: Gender- feminine Planet- Venus Element- water Aids in- love and lust Magickal Uses- Sugar has long been used in love and lust potions. Chew a piece if cane while thinking of your loved one. It can also be scattered to dispel evil and to cleanse and purify areas before spellwork.
White Chocolate: Friendship, Self-love, Fun Milk Chocolate: Friendship, Self-love, Nurturing, Love, Balance, Fun, Raises emotional energy
Dark Chocolate: Love, Romance, Grounding, Prosperity Cacao
Nibs: Grounding, Prosperity, Ancestors Salt Uses: Cleansing, purification, protection. Element: Earth Planet: Earth Femininity
Table Salt: for Creating a sacred space (circles), protection, absorbing negativity, healing, banishing
Black Salt: Breaking jinxes/hexes, banishing unwanted people, removing negativity, protection Himalayan Salt: Protection, astral travel, healing, cleansing, and any other salt magic
Sea Salt: for Spells involving water, oceans, rivers, lakes, and marine life, and any other salt magic Celtic Salt: Adds magic intent Rattlesnake Salt: Lengthens life expectancy and protection