Share O Divine Gardener and Artist,
You have painted the skies blue,
You have watered the earth and have even given a promise to muddiness.
You have carpeted the earth in verdant green.
May these living creatures, our plants, breathe life into our home.
They live. They breathe. They grow.
Blessed be life! Blessed be breath! Blessed be growth! Bless these plants.
They have developed from seeds.
Blessed be small beginnings.
They have been watered with care.
Blessed be attention and nurturing.
They have grown in the midst of mud.
Blessed be the fruit of fertile messiness.
They smile at the sun.
Blessed be openness and optimism.
They flower forth in beauty.
Blessed be our hopes and dreams.
-original author William John Fitzgerald in Blessings for the Fast Paced & Cyberspaced
House Plant Blessing Ingredients
*1 potted houseplant
*1 pencil or green pen
*1 1-square-inch piece of paper
*A small amount of water
What does the Spell do? Blesses a House Plant to ensure its survival.
Spell Casting
Place the houseplant and all other items on a flat surface near or in the place where you'll grow the plant.
Using the pencil or green pen, draw a small picture of the plant in vibrant health on the small piece of paper.
Draw lines of energy streaming out from it. Visualize the plant's future health as you're doing this. Next, gently brush the paper (picture side down) against the plant, giving it love and energy, and saying the following (or similar) words:
Shoots unfurl Flowers bloom Leaves uncurl In this room Plant of green Forever strong, Grow nowhere Where you belong. Roots push deep and Branches climb By the power Of this rhyme. Grow now, plant- This is the time!
As you say these words, block out all thoughts of past failures you may have had with houseplants. This will only negate the power of the ritual.
Next, fold the paper with two creases into a small square.
Push this into the soil, close to the pot's wall. As you do this, say:
I give you power! Move the plant to its new home. I give you life! Set down the empty water container. I give you love! It should grow beautifully.
-Rewritten from the book Earth, Air, Fire, and Water by Scott Cunningham