Q: I think I may have an ability, how do I confirm this?
A: Research, research, research. Ask questions, find logical scientific answers as to why some of the things are occurring. Use divination forms, to get spiritual answers.
Q: What is the difference between a Grimoire and a Book of Shadows? A: A grimoire has generations of witch knowledge that has been passed down from one witch to the next. It is normally more organized and can be started from scratch by a new witch. A Book of Shadows is personal and usually only used by one witch, which can be disorganized or very organized. The Book of Shadows can become a Grimoire. Both are simply just books that keep magic spells. Some even view them as such: The Grimoire is kept at home away from prying eyes and is scared while The Book of Shadows can be taken with you and utilized where ever necessary. It's still believed to be sacred but its easier when inspiration hits to have it with you to save that information.
Q: I just found out I have an ability, what do I do next?
A: Dive deeper! What does it mean, how does it work, how do you work on it more? How do you learn to control or mute it to function? A lot of the time, more time is spent on research and figuring out exactly what the ability is and the different ways to keep it from disrupting your life. You may find out more that has been happening that is connected to it!
Q: Can a solitary witch still have other friends that are witches and practice alone or would being in a discord server count as a group?
A: A: You can still be solitary and have witchy friends- V
Q: My ability is overwhelming me!
A: It happens! An ability can become super intense and become overwhelming. Take a step back, and breathe. Remember you were given this ability for a reason. Come back to it, and dive back in when everything has calmed down. If you cannot get to a point where it calmed down and things are still overwhelming find ways to block out the onslaught. For example, sometimes I have to vail, or cover my crown chakra so that I can focus on myself and my own energies. Other times I have to rely on my talismans to help absorb some of the onslaughts and help me to recenter. -Briar Rose
Q: Can I make my own spells?
A: Yes, just proceed with caution and make sure your intent is clear (Use corresponding materials with your intention)
Q: Have to be Wiccan to be a witch? Are all witches Wiccan? Are all Wiccans Witches?
A: Not all Wiccans are Witches and not all Witches are Wiccan. Wicca is a religion, while Witchcraft is a practice. Religion vs Practice? Religion is a particular system of faith and worship and the pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance. Whereas a practice is an actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method as opposed to theories about such application or use.
Q: Does the direction of where the altar faces truly matter?
A: In some cases yes but not really. It is based on personal opinions, religious practice, and favoritism.
Q: Connecting and working with a deity while new to the craft?
A: Most gods/goddesses don’t connect with babies in the senses of a deity choosing you. They connect more in the form of coming and going until they see you are ready to work with them. Kinda like a guide.
Q: Crystals for Beginners?
A: green aventurine, amethyst, quartz, jade, quartz
Q: Getting sigils as tattoos?
A: It is better to get a tattoo of a symbol that means something to you. But sigils are mostly for creating, casting, and forgetting. forgetting and not being concerned with your intention of the sigil and letting it do its work as you move forward. other sigils can be more permanent, using for other intentions like protection or hexes. If you have a sigil with a certain intention on your body, permanently, there could be issues because people can break sigils and can use the sigil against you, you wouldn't want others to know its meaning, or be able to view it too long. It's important to keep yourself protected. -V
Q: What should I add in to my BOS/Grimoire?
A: The book is personal to you so however you wish to add the information is up to you. The books is yours so you can use it as a journal or a place to keep your craft information safe. The following is a list of things many keep in their BOS/Grimoire:
Witch History
Natal chart information
Crystals and their metaphysical correspondences
Herbs plants and trees, their metaphysical correspondences and medicinal usages
Spells and Rituals
Cosmic information and correspondence
ANimals and their spiritual powers and how they connect to you
Reference materials
Different altar styles and ways to set them up
Sigils and symbols
Q: New cards what should I do with them?
A: Cleanse, Protect, Interview. If all feels well, some sleep that night with their cards or keep them on them at all times for a given length of time. It depends on the connection you feel with them and whether or not how to treat them, whether they are cozy in their box or if they should be more in contact with you.
Q: Which type of water is acceptable to create moon water?
A: Filtered, purified, bottled, or natural sources (springs, rivers, lakes, ocean, rain, etc) are all acceptable. Q: How can I ground myself?
A: There are multiple ways to ground yourself such as Meditation, yoga, using crystals, being with pets or other animals, cleansing or insense, being in nature, gardening, multiple types of baths and showers, hydrating and giving your body nutrients, dancing, running around barefoot in the grass.
Q: Do I need to protect myself before spellwork/rituals/contacting spirits and deities?
A: YES! Always, always, always protect yourself in these situations. Protection not only, well, do as the word says (protects you), but also helps you stay in that grounding mindset! It's great to do for spells to not be hindered increases chances of them working due to that, and helps protect you from, for example, the bad effects you might gain if you cast a curse without protection. Divination is BIG on protection; since you are contacting things you cannot see at first, or cannot invite them for a coffee and have a relaxing time, you need to protect yourself to be sure you won't be harmed in case the entity is a poser for an ancestor or deity, wishing to manipulate you. Always cleanse your divination tools! Before and after!
Q: Can substitutions be used in spells?
A: As long as the substitution has the same metaphysical properties as the original, it will have the same effect. So yes, you can make substitutions as long as the spell does not have strict rules saying those materials/ingredients are mandatory to use.
Q: How do I make someone go away/force them to leave me alone without cursing, hexing, or jinxing?
A: Binding. Binding involves no malicious intent or harm, and simply "ties them up" into your spell. There is knot magick and freezer magick as an example of how to bind (from tying knots or letting your intent freeze in the freezer). It is very versatile, and very simple but powerful if used effectively at the right time!
Q: What do I need to do to be protected?
A: There are a plethora of activities, sounds, smells, herbs, colors, etc. all that can help you be protected when casting or making any sort of protection.
Q: What if I can't buy a jar/find things in nature/go buy herbs?
A: Visualized protection is a very strong way of protecting, don't think you need to buy anything for you to be and feel protected! The only big catch is you need to at least meditate occasionally, in my opinion, so that you are connected to yourself, and trust yourself with your own protection. The stronger and more confident your intent, the stronger the protection! Also, herbs are not as hard to find as you may think; if you go to the store and go to the spice section, you will find TONNNNS of bottles and small jars filled with them! Before you go buy them, research what you want to get first. If you cant buy anything or are afraid to have a ton of herbs due to being in the broom closet, visualization will ALWAYS have your back! So will your Kitchen!
Q: X, Y, and Z said I protected wrong, but I feel just fine?
A: Whatever you do, protection is very personal to each person. The beautiful thing is that you can incorporate anything into your protection that you like/vibes with you and it will work if you feel it does! No one can tell you that you aren't being protected through your choices of ingredients or techniques.
Q: Sigils as Protection? and their Duration.
A: sigils Can vary in duration as well as purpose. It depends on you, your intention, and how you created it. For someone who practices magick and the more known they are by others about their practice, the more frequent they would need to do protection sigils. I go based off of feeling when I feel it fade, but I also have a set number of weeks I have my protection sigils up, and when I cleanse and re-establish my protection. For a small or simple magick user, and depending on the intention of protection, a month or so would suffice. It’s best to go when you feel it fade.-V
Q: Do I need anything to cast a spell? This spell says I need candles, etc. but I don't have any? A: A: No, and no you don't need extra things to cast certain spellwork, however, it does help if you need help with visualizing a spell/aren't confident enough to cast with intent alone. The types of spells that you need items for are normally to represent something (a person or you for example).
Q: Can I use a candle after burning it for a spell?
A: Yes, you can, BUT only for the same type of spell. If you burned a red candle for power and strength, you cannot unmelt the candle and make it brand new, so you cannot go back and change it to represent love/passion. If you snuff the candle and come back to it later and burn it again for the same purpose, its all good. Q: Do I have to use certain candle colors with certain spells?
A: Yes. Certain candle colors have certain associations. For example, red candles are usually used for love spells, and green could be used for money-drawing spells.
Q: Do I need to cast protection every time I do a spell?
A: YES. You should always cast some form of protection, to make sure you are absolutely safe, even if it's light magic.
Q: Are certain days better to cast certain spells?
A: Yes!
Q: Do all spells have to be casted at night?
A: No. Most spells do not have a day or night preference. Whenever the time feels right, cast it! Rarely, spells will have a preference. Make sure you abide by the framework of the spell before casting.
Q: Are there any specifications besides the day of the week?
A: Yes, lunar phases and color magic are two popular choices you can add to casting spells at their most potent. However, they are not necessary to cast spells, do as YOU feel is the best way for YOU to cast, and that includes days of the week as well!